Call for papers: SCRIPTA 2016

by scripta posted Jun 04, 2017


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Scripta 2016: Tangut and Other Asian Scripts

Conference date: October 8, 2016

Venue: Seoul National University. Seoul, Korea

The 8th International Conference of the Hunmin jeongeum Society (SCRIPTA 2016) will be held in Seoul at October 8, 2016. The Hunmin jeongeum Society aims at stimulating worldwide research on human writing systems. In addition to the publication of the writing systems journal SCRIPTA, the Society organizes an international conference each autumn at which leading scholars from around the world present and discuss their research on writing systems. Interested scholars are invited to submit a proposal and participate in the conference.


Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to, the following:

  • Descriptive study of an individual script or writing system
  • Decipherment of unknown scripts, inscriptions or documents
  • Genesis and/or history of an individaul script or several related scripts
  • Relation between spoken languages and scripts
  • General linguistic theory of script
  • Development/promotion of a new script for a society with no script
  • Experimental study on psychological processing of scripts
  • Technical/computational aspects of scripts, including character code system
  • Government policy about language and script, including orthography/spelling
  • Artistic study of script, including calligraphy

Important dates

  • April 15, 2016 : Deadline for submission of a proposal
  • June 1, 2016 : Notification of acceptance
  • July 31, 2016 : Deadline for submission of a paper
  • October 6, 2016 : Arrival and reception
  • October 8, 2016 : Conference
  • October 9-10, 2016 : Academic tour (optional)

Requirements for proposals

  • Proposals are required to be written in English. The only official language of the conference is also English.
  • Proposals should include the following information: title, author name, affiliation, address, phone/fax number, e-mail address, and abstract.
  • Abstracts should have no more than 400 words, excluding bibliographical references and illustrations, and not exceed two pages.
  • Abstracts should be written using the Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) in 12-point Times New Roman, with margins of at least one inch.
  • To submit a proposal, please send email to

Organizing Committee

Hyeon-hie Lee, Seoul National University, Chair

SeungJae Lee, Seoul National University, President

Zev Handel, University of Washington, Co-editor

Juwon Kim, Seoul National University, Co-editor

Dongho Ko, Chonbuk National University, Secretary

Jinho Park, Seoul National University, Secretary

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