Scripta 2016: Tangut and Other Asian Scripts
The 8th International Conference of the Hunmin jeongeum Society (SCRIPTA 2016)
Conference date: October 8, 2016
Venue: Seoul National University. Seoul, Korea
Day 1 (October 8, Saturday)
09:30-09:50 Registration (Gwanjeong Library Yangduseok Hall)
09:50-10:00 Opening Ceremony (Gwanjeong Library Yangduseok Hall)
Moderator: HWANG Seonyeop (Seoul National Univ., Korea)
Welcome Address: HAN Jaeyoung (President, the Hunmin jeongeum Society)
Session I (10:00-12:00)
Moderator: PARK Seegyoon (Kunsan National Univ., Korea)
10:00-11:00 ARAKAWA Shintaro (Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies, Japan)
Tangut Script – Studies of the unique features
11:00-12:00 KAWASAKI Keigo (Soongsil Univ., Korea)
A suggestion for encoding Tangut glyphs – Reporting the development of “Tangut Cangjie Input Method” –
12:00-13:30 Lunch (Jahayeon)
Session II (13:30-17:00)
Moderator: PARK Hansang (Hongik Univ., Korea)
13:30-14:30 GONG Xun (Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur l’Asie Orientale / INALCO, France)
Verb stems in Tangut and their orthography
14:30-15:30 JUHA Janhunen and Ekaterina Gruzdeva (Univ. of Helsinki, Finland)
Bringing the orthography of an indigenous language to the digital age: The case of Nivkh in the Russian Far
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-17:00 HAN Kyungho (Korea National Open Univ., Korea)
A Study on sound changes of Old Chinese You group (幽部) and Jue group (覺部) letters in Chu Bamboo slips
17:30-20:00 Reception (Sodam Maru)
Day 2 (October 9th, Sunday) ~ Day 3 (October 10th, Monday)
Academic Tour to Gyeongju City
Scripta 2016: Tangut and Other Asian Scripts
훈민정음학회 2016년 국내학술대회
Scripta 2015: Egyptian and Far Eastern Writings Juxtaposed
훈민정음학회 2015년 국내학술대회
Scripta 2014: A Deeper Look at Scripts in East Asia
훈민정음학회 2014년 국내학술대회
훈민정음학회 2013년 국내학술대회
Scripta 2013: Evolution of Scripts
Scripta 2012: Interactions of Writing Systems
훈민정음학회 2012년 국내학술대회: 훈민정음과 오늘
Scripta 2011: Writings and Cognition
SCRIPTA 2010: Writings and Civilizations
훈민정음학회 2009년 전국 학술대회: 훈민정음을 통한 외국어 표기
SCRIPTA 2008: Hunminjeongeum and Alphabetic Writing Systems
사단법인 훈민정음학회 창립 기념 국내학술대회(2007년)
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