2017.06.02 16:19
Scripta 2016: Tangut and Other Asian Scripts
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Scripta 2016: Tangut and Other Asian Scripts
The 8th International Conference of the Hunmin jeongeum Society (SCRIPTA 2016)
Conference date: October 8, 2016
Venue: Seoul National University. Seoul, Korea
Tangut Script – Studies of the unique features
ARAKAWA Shintaro
A Suggestion for encoding Tangut glyphs
Verb stems in Tangut and their orthography
Bringing the orthography of an indigenous language to the digital age: The case of Nivkh in the Russian Far East
JUHA Janhunen and EKATERINA Gruzdeva
Study of You 幽 group and Jue 覺 group in Chu Bamboo slips
HAN Kyungho
훈민정음학회 2014년 국내학술대회
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Scripta 2016: Tangut and Other Asian Scripts
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훈민정음학회 2016년 전국학술대회
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Scripta 2015: Egyptian and Far Eastern Writings Juxtaposed
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훈민정음학회 2015년 전국학술대회
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Scripta 2014: A Deeper Look at Scripts in East Asia
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Scripta 2013: Evolution of Scripts
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훈민정음학회 2013년 전국 학술대회
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SCRIPTA 2012: Interactions of Writing Systems
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훈민정음학회 2012년 전국 학술대회
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SCRIPTA 2011: Writings and Cognition
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SCRIPTA 2010: Writings and Civilizations
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훈민정음학회 2009년 전국 학술대회
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SCRIPTA 2008: Hunmin jeongeum and Alphabetic Writing Systems
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훈민정음학회 창립 기념 국내학술대회(2007년)
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