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Submission Guidelines


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

•  organization of a writing system, - usage of a lesser-known writing system, 
•  history of letters and characters, 
•  deciphering an unknown writing system, 
•  inscriptions or documents on a writing system, 
•  promotion of an alphabet, 
•  codification or digitization of a writing system, 
•  design of letters and characters

Submission Address

All submissions are to be sent by email to:


All submissions must be in .doc or .hwp format along with .pdf format, and sent as email attachments. It is strongly recommended that any included image files be submitted at their original resolution. All manuscripts should contain an abstract, several keywords, footnotes, and references. References should have the format "Author (year), Title of article, Book name. City: Publisher."

Evaluation Procedures

Submissions that pass the first editorial review will be anonymously evaluated by two peer reviewers. Reviews are graded into four categories: accept in its present form, accept with mandatory revision, reconsider after revision, and reject.


(우) 140-894. 서울특별시 용산구 한남동 723-25 원암빌딩 201호 (Tel. 02-3785-1100)
사단법인 훈민정음학회

sketchbook5, 스케치북5

sketchbook5, 스케치북5

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