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Guidance for becoming members of the Hunmin jeongeum Society

Welcome, new comers!


We have several kinds of members: 

Full members: Majors in or related to Hunminjeongeum with Masters or higher degrees

Associate members: Majors in or related to Hunminjeongeum with Bachelors degree

Special members: People who go along with the object of the Hummin jeongeum Society and have donated the lifetime membership fee

Group members: Organizations or Institutions who would like to subscribe to the Scripta Journal

Honorary members: People who are inducted into a member of the Honorary Board



Please fill in the application form (the attached file) and send it with the remittance slip of the application fee to or Prof. PARK Sangchul, 08826 2-108, 1, Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea. The application will be approved shortly after the reviewing procedure.


Membership fees

Full members KRW 20,000 per year (the lifetime membership fee 300,000 or more)

Associate members KRW 10,000 per year

Special members KRW 300,000 or more

Group members KRW 50,000 per year


Attachment: the application form for a member of the Hunnmin jeongeum Society (enroll_form.rtf, enroll_form.pdf)

The Hunminjeongeum Society
#201 Wonam Bld.
723-25, Hannam-dong, Yongsan-Gu
Seoul, Korea 140-894

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sketchbook5, 스케치북5

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