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Editorial Boards of the SCRIPTA (2022-2023)


Jinho Park

               Seoul National University, Korea

               Professor of Korean Language and Literature

Zev Handel

               University of Washington, USA

               Professor of Asian Languages and Literature


Editorial Board

James P. Allen

               Brown University, USA

               Professor of Egyptology and Ancient Western

Hansang Park

               Hongik University, Korea

               Professor of English Education

Domii Tumurtogoo

               National University of Mongolia, Mongol

               Professor, Dr. of Linguistics

Florian Coulmas

               German Institute of Japanese Studies, Germany

               Professor of Japanese Studies

John Huehnergard

               University of Texas at Austin, USA

               Professor of Arts and Art History

Juha Janhunen

               University of Helsinki, Finland

               Professor of Institute for Asian and African Studies

Young-Key Kim-Renaud

               George Washington University, USA

               Professor of Korean Language and Culture and International Affairs

Li Ling (李零)

               Peking (北京) University, China

               Professor of Chinese Language and Literature

Katsuya Onishi (大西克也)

               University of Tokyo, Japan

               Professor of Chinese Language and Culture

Asko Parpola

               University of Helsinki, Finland

               Professor Emeritus of the Institute for Asian and African Studies

Barry B. Powell

               University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

               Professor Emeritus of Classics

S. Robert Ramsey

               University of Maryland, USA

               Professor of the Center for East Asian Studies

Andrew Robinson

               Eton College, England King’s Scholar

Denise Schmandt-Besserat

               University of Texas at Austin, USA

               Professor Emeritus of Arts and Art History

J. Marshall Unger

               Ohio State University, USA

               Professor of East Asian Language and Literature

John Whitman

               Cornell University, USA

               & NINJAL, Japan

               Professor of Linguistics

The Hunminjeongeum Society
#201 Wonam Bld.
723-25, Hannam-dong, Yongsan-Gu
Seoul, Korea 140-894

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